
The way to liberity & life.... Reconize the presence of God.... Personalize the presence of God.... Realize the presence of God in your life.... To understand SonVision, start with the Feburary 19, 2005 posting. God is Spirit, God is Life, God is Principle, God is Good.....You are created in the image & likeness of God not religion.


blogger and google wiped out my profile.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Thank You:

I want to thank the people who have read and participated in my blog in 2005.

I have enjoyed your comments and also the personal email & communication from those who agree and disagree.

It has been a honor and priviliage to answer personal questions and offer guidance. I am very happy with the success of this sharing.

I look forward to the new year and more opportunities of participating in the lives of people who are looking for a better way of life.

I invite each person in the world to join me in SonVision.

Positive Things Are Happening In Your Life today!!

Because you are created in the image and likeness of God and have been given the power to be in harmony with Divine Laws & principles.

Peace in the new year.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Consider This:

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men......Luke 2:14

Consider this in context of the law of cause & effect. Like attracts like, you reap what you sow, it is done unto you as you believe, draw closer to God and he will draw closer to you.

Just a few statements from the christian bible to think about on an individual bases that can and will, if unreservedly practiced by each person at all times, bring peace and harmony to your life and the lives of the people that come in contact with you.

The praise of God has and is being done in all religions and in every area of the world. It is the peace and good will towards men that has not been practiced on a regular bases. And the world, begining with individuals, families, neighbors, comunities, cities, states, countries are seeing and feeling the effects of the lack of peace and good will towards men.Even the atmosphere and physical world of the planet is being rocked by the increased ill will towards men.

When the people of the world change their thoughts to peace and good will towards men, then the world of the people will change for them to recieving peace and good will from others.

The Divine Law never fails.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

What to Think:

Finally, brethern, Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, Whatsoever things are pure, Whatsoever things are loverly, Whatsoever things are of a good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.....Philippians 4:8

Is this just a nice little verse for christians? Is this just to say that it is what christians should think and have nice thoughts? Or is there more to this statement?

The human mind can only entertain one thought at a time. It may seem that you have a thousand things on your mind at times, but the truth is that your mind has one thought going throught it at a time and it is working at high speed and jumping from thought to thought.

Your thoughts will eventually manifest themselves into your physical surroundings. You are now in the circumstances and situations that have been foremost in your thoughts whether you are conscious of these thoughts or conscious of how many times you think these thoughts.
By changing your thoughts and attitude towards people and situations, you can change the direction and relationships in your life. When you bring yourself into harmony with good, good will manifest in your life. This is cause and effect. Your thoughts are the cause, your situations and circumstances are the effect.

When negitive thoughts come to mind, do not fight them, Just think of something positive.....Emmet Fox.

So, we can see that there is a practical principle involved with this verse. What is it you want your life to be like? Think on the good & positive things of life and reject the negitive thoughts as soon as they enter your conscious thoughts.

If you are now in such circumstances that you think you can't find anything good to think about, begin where you are now and replace any and all bad & negitive thoughts with this one thought: Positive Things are Happening in My Life Today!
Experiment with this and you will prove to yourself that this principle will begin to bring positive things into your life. This is how I proved it to myself with situations in my own life. It will give you a starting point to change yourself and your outlook on the things of life as it changes the situations surrounding your life.

You have been given this creative power......Use It!
And let this Divine Priniciple work for you.

Keep this thought foremost in your thoughts....Positive Things are Happening In My Life Today!!

Let me know the results you have seen in your life and thoughts from this experiment.